My Major Goals
I am pursuing my bachelor's degree in kinesiology, majoring in exercise science. The exercise science major is a part of the School of Health and Human Sciences. This major is a cumulative study of exercise physiology, biomechanics, human health, nutrition, fitness and much more. With the knowledge and skills gained from these courses, I could pursue a career in sports, health, or fitness. I am also working to attain a minor in leadership and military science. These courses will build my leadership skills and the knowledge necessary for me to be a successful officer in the U.S. Army, once I graduate. The path I've chosen to take through college reflects my passions. My passions include fitness, medicine, and a desire to help others. I know there is not one correct way to go through college, but I've chosen the best major and minor to fit my personal goals.

My Career Goals
My career goal is to become an anesthesiologist assistant. I can accomplish this by getting my bachelors degree, passing the MCAT, and completing a two year masters program for anesthesiologist assistants. Anesthesiologist assistants have similar roles to anesthesiologists. In this role, I would prepare the anesthesia, inform and prepare the patient, deliver and monitor anesthesia throughout the procedure under anesthesiologist supervision, and care for the patient afterwards. (For more information regarding anesthesiology assistants click the link under My Career Goals)*
I made this decision with thorough consideration. I have had numerous career aspirations and I feel this is the best fit for my passions. It's a meaningful career to me because I get to work in medicine and help to ease the nerves of patients that may have anxiety about their procedures.